Insurance Coverage for ABA Therapy

We currently accept:

Blue Cross & Blue Shield
United Healthcare

If you don’t see your insurance listed, there’s a chance we do accept it. Don’t hesitate to contact us to ask.


Call the customer service number on your card and tell them you want to find out what the benefits are for out-patient therapy. Some companies have the benefits listed under Behavioral Health, others have it under Medical.  If you have a prescription or a recommendation from your physician, tell them that the therapy has been ordered.

Give them your child’s DIAGNOSIS code (for example, Autism code is F84.0, Aspergers / PDD code is F84.5 or F84.8, etc.)  If you’re not sure what your diagnosis code is, ask your referring physician.

Ask if you have ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) coverage.

Most physicians that are recommending ABA therapy will write a detailed report or give you a prescription for therapy.

Ask these questions:

“What is needed before my child can start therapy?”
“Is pre-certification required?”
“Do I need an authorization number?”

Always take good notes, i.e. the date, time and name of the person you spoke to and any information you have been given.